my autumn morning rituals….

Penobscot Bay

Penobscot Bay

Fall is here.

I am at peace.

The leaves are turning over in ways that keep me still.

(American) Football. Nature walks. Coffee. Books and book shops. Farm dinners. Music Festivals. Bird watching. Sweaters. Bourbon.

This is my absolute favorite time of the year, but I can’t clearly understand why.

I have theories.

Is it because I love school and learning? School typically starts in the fall….

Is it because summer is so unbearably hot that I’m ready for the weather to break?

Is it because of the tweeds? The navy blues , hunter green and burgundy?

It might be all of that. What I’m beginning to see is that my appreciation for this time of the year stems from my understanding of nature as a reflection of the circle of life. Fall represents the stage in which I feel most comfortable. A time of constant change. A time of reflection. A time of settling in and preparing.

I believe in letting things go. I believe in letting people go. I believe that you should part ways with the things and people that don’t bring you joy and peace of mind. Here are a few things I do every morning to ease my mind and prepare for the day:

  • Pray for self and the things/people I care for.

  • Consider what the day will bring. Anticipate the potential challenges, and strategies I can use to overcome the worst outcomes.

  • Jot down a list of intentions (a To Do List)

  • A few minutes of meditation….a moment of silence to quiet my spirit.

  • Read a few key scriptures that can direct me to embodying the virtues that benefit me and the people around me

  • Coffee/Tea

  • Yoga