
I Continue to dream

I take my dreams and make of them a bronze vase
and a round fountain with a beautiful statue in its center.
And a song with a broken heart and I ask you:
Do you understand my dreams?
Sometimes you say you do,
And sometimes you say you don't.
Either way it doesn't matter.
I continue to dream.

Langston Hughes

Wonder keeps me busy. Busy in a way that I wish never to escape or abandon. When I dream with intention, I think of ways that can make our world more at peace and more fulfilling.

What does a man do when his dreams are misunderstood? When his dreams are beyond reach for many, at times including himself? Does he stop?

I don’t.

As men of character and responsibility we must not. In fact, when our ideas and ambitions are met with opposition, it is necessary that we continue to dream, as Langston eloquently imagined, with more fervor, intention and might.

I recently watched the Focus Features production Harriet, a biopic of American trailblazer Harriet Tubman. It stirred in me so many thoughts, significantly thoughts of historic figures that envisioned a world decidedly different from the current one; new and improved.

We all dream at some point or another. The power lies in the continuation of dreams, focusing one’s eye on the fundamental purpose that exists within. Never let anyone or anything deter you from your purpose. Whether you dream of expanding your ministry, building a foundation of financial freedom for your family, sharing your creative genius with the world, or finding viable solutions to life’s toughest problems, I beg you all to continue to dream. With intention.